Network failures becoming far too common

It seems no matter what network operators do to have the most up-to-date infrastructure in place, provide the fastest speeds imaginable and offer the best services they can lay their hands on – if a network fails for one minute it all comes to naught. The latest...

Telstra throttles, world watches

Newspapers in Australia report that Telstra is making a bold move to ‘throttle’ or slow the speed at which its ADSL customers download content through peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in peak periods as part of a trial. TM Forum members present at Management World in...

'Throne Surfing' big in Oz

Australia’s obsession with mobile internet-connected ‘smartphones’ has reached new heights (or lows) depending on how you read the results of a Telstra survey. Australians have admitted to using their devices in bed, on the loo and, alarmingly, when behind the wheel....

Aussie NBN Co/Telstra deal struck (maybe)

Newspaper headlines in Australia proclaimed on Sunday that Telstra had signed a deal with NBN Co to transfer customers from its copper network onto the National Broadband Network’s fibre network and share Telstra’s infrastructure. Not surprisingly, a press...