The apps world has come a long way, but not far enough!

I’m terrified to admit that I may be growing up at last. I’m careful not to say ‘maturing’ because that would be lying. And this sudden epiphany has come about because instead of jumping into every bit of new technology that comes along I am actually analysing it...

All app'd out!

I have officially become a digital warrior. Traveling with one notebook, one tablet, two smartphones, a mini Wi-Fi router (so I can plug in to a hotel Ethernet connection and connect all those other devices), a pouch with three chargers, four connecting wires,...

Barcelona binge bites back

After a round of binge drinking it is normal procedure to go through a recovery phase of teetotaling, lots of rest and lots of vitamin supplements. The same process can be applied to attendees of the annual cellular bingefest held in Barcelona, otherwise known as the...

Bull in Barcelona

I’m really going to try not to be cynical about goings on at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, but it’s going to be hard. The GSMA’s premier event seems to break some record or other every year.  Last year it was the number of PC thefts and...