How do CIOs deliver value and prepare for what comes next?

Deloitte’s 2015 Global CIO Survey has come up with some very interesting cross-industry findings. It received responses from over 1,200 technology leaders across 43 countries, including representation from over a quarter of Global Fortune 1000 organisations, giving a...

The business of social business is tricky business

“The Business of Social Business – what works and how it’s done” is IBM Global Business Service’s latest survey of more than 1,100 businesses around the world and extensive interviews with more than two dozen widely recognized leaders in social business....

It's official – women talk more than men

Did you know that Tuesday, March 8, was International Women’s Day? No, neither did I. Now, before you start applying those old chauvinist labels, I have no idea when International Men’s Day is, either. However, this monumental day was not missed by an enterprising...

'Throne Surfing' big in Oz

Australia’s obsession with mobile internet-connected ‘smartphones’ has reached new heights (or lows) depending on how you read the results of a Telstra survey. Australians have admitted to using their devices in bed, on the loo and, alarmingly, when behind the wheel....