Glass not so rose-coloured

I’m sure you all thought that Google Glass was developed to be the next big thing and generate billions of dollars in hardware and app revenues. You were probably right but the latest theories are exposing a trove of potentially massive revenue streams to supplement,...

Capitalizing on globalizing

There is no question that SingTel should be overjoyed by the performance of its Australian property, Optus. It’s like the good old days for Australia’s number two telecommunications company which posted a 19 percent increase in fourth-quarter net profit from a rise in...

Mobile advertising's money myth

During a webinar I presented on ‘monetizing bandwidth’ on Tuesday I played down the potential revenues mobile operators would see from mobile advertising. This was picked up during the Q&A session by a few attendees asking why, with all the press on the growing...

Capex up, revenues improving – what's the catch?

Everybody in the telecommunications sector gets excited at predictions of increased spending in capital expenditure (capex), all except shareholders that is. They always seem to respond negatively to any signs of increased costs, especially in the wake of lowering or...