by Tony Poulos | Feb 4, 2011 | Videos
Nucleus Connect CEO, David Storrie, provides a candid status report on Singapore’s NBN rollout. Interesting that following customer blogs is giving him the best and most honest assessment of how things are being perceived in the market. Things haven’t gone... by Tony Poulos | Dec 8, 2010 | Blog
My learned colleague from TelecomAsia, John Tanner, recently wrote about the growth of copper theft in the USA. Things must be bad there if crooks have resorted to pinching copper wires from fixed-line infrastructure as well as electrical substations, railroads, etc.... by Tony Poulos | Nov 25, 2010 | Blog
It’s been anything but smooth sailing for Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN) but like the great ocean liners of years gone by, the A$43 billion behemoth keeps steaming forward through all weathers. It has managed to survive vigorous opposition... by Tony Poulos | Jun 24, 2010 | Blog
Newspaper headlines in Australia proclaimed on Sunday that Telstra had signed a deal with NBN Co to transfer customers from its copper network onto the National Broadband Network’s fibre network and share Telstra’s infrastructure. Not surprisingly, a press... by Tony Poulos | Feb 11, 2010 | Blog
Imagine sitting in a rural health clinic, streaming three-dimensional medical imaging over the web and discussing a unique condition with a specialist in New York. Or downloading a high-definition, full-length feature film in less than five minutes. Or collaborating...