by Tony Poulos | Jan 19, 2011 | Blog
Carrier billing for content services is doomed in advanced markets because of fundamental conflicts of interest, and standalone payment specialists are best placed to handle charging. That’s the view from mobile content entrepreneur Simon Buckingham, speaking... by Tony Poulos | Oct 8, 2010 | Blog
When I heard CSG Systems International, Inc. was buying interconnect and retail billing company Intec, my ancient memory cells twigged. CSG, well known as a provider of customer and billing management solutions to satellite broadcasting and cable operators in North... by Tony Poulos | Jul 1, 2010 | Blog
Don’t think for one minute that CSPs have billing and, more particularly, ‘bill shock’ issues all to themselves. The move to ‘smart metering’ for some utility companies in the USA is proving to be a minefield. According to Wikipedia, a smart meter is an advanced meter... by Tony Poulos | Mar 13, 2010 | Blog
Google looks to do for the ‘cloud’ what Apple successfully did for the mobile world by setting up a Cloud-based app store. But that could be easier said than done. For third-party apps to successfully proliferate in this environment they will first have be integrated... by Tony Poulos | Sep 30, 2009 | Blog
Who says creativity in billing is dead? ‘Creative pricing’ strategies uncovered by Australia’s consumer watchdog Choice, has put paid to that. Not surprisingly, I guess, a number of international phone card operators have been found guilty of hitting...