Has billing become boring?

Is it just me, or has billing become boring? I never thought I’d say that but, quite frankly, apart from the occasional billing shock headline the whole billing thing has become rather mundane. Maybe it’s because we have become so good at it that the challenges of...

Billing not quite dead, yet!

I was fascinated to read in the recent Openet research paper, ‘Charging and Billing for the Digital Economy’ that 87 per cent of operators surveyed believed that billing systems would be replaced by real-time charging systems within the next four years. Those with...

It's all about 'now' – even for billing

I am in the process of writing a new ‘billing’ training course for the TM Forum to replace the existing ‘Introduction to Next Generation Billing.’ The more research I do the more it seems It seems that what was ‘next generation’ four years ago has already become ‘this...

Minutes, seconds – who's counting?

For some strange reason, I was under the impression that most CSPs generally aspired to one-second billing and this was pretty much the world standard. Apparently, I have been totally misled, according to reports out of Australia. The Age newspaper today ran a story...