No such thing as a free lunch

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that if you are offered anything for nothing these days there has to be a catch. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it – you just don’t get anything for nothing, period. And so it goes with social networking....

Billions in big business as Barcelona beats blues

Like many suffering from post-MWC fatigue, I am trying to piece together how an event of this magnitude manages to keep bucking trends. The GSMA flagship is astounding not only in its size and intensity, it also generates billions of dollars of business for suppliers...

Regulator bashing – Is there an app for that?

You know it’s a ‘slow news’ year at the Mobile World Congress when the operators start ganging up on the regulators. Oh yes, regulator bashing reached new heights in Barcelona with almost every CEO, whether in keynote or panel sessions, dropping hints and more, that...

Getting connected in the Connected City

One of the highlights at  Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona was the extension of the previous year’s Connected House theme into a Connected City where everything that can be connected to the internet, is. I took a rather unorthodox tour picking out what I...

Tour of “Planet of the Apps”

One of the most popular halls at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was the App Planet where developers showed off the latest in apps and mobile marketing tools. I took a quick tour of the joint and aptly renamed it “Planet of the...

Feeling insecure? Therapy won't help.

Hackers have had a big week. US claims that the Chinese military is allegedly hacking into US corporations and actively enticing the country’s best hackers to join up is one thing, but when hackers try to break into Facebook, that’s a real national emergency. Don’t...