For those in the know, ‘going commando’ indicates one has not bothered to venture out with underwear in position. For many, this would seem an inexcusable activity, for others, a daily routine. Is it a sign of bravado, is it borne out of necessity, does it feel good or is it simply linked to some insecurity?

Recent discussions with some unnamed operators might indicate that they are indeed ‘going commando’ when it comes to their cloud strategies, and some are fearful of being caught out! Let me explain why.

It seems that setting up cloud services such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and even Communications as a Service (CaaS), is not as easy it sounds. When approaching potential corporate customers with any of these ‘big end’ offerings, some enterprising prospects are asking if the telcos, themselves, are actually utilizing the services they are trying to sell.

Oh dear, guess what? Many are not, but rather than admitting their failings and the potential loss of custom, they are ‘going commando’ and claiming they are. And because we are dealing with a ‘virtual’ world, it is very difficult to check out their claims. For those of you working in a CSP right now, hands up if your billing is all done on a single, yet virtual, platform, able to span the globe and multiple properties.

How many of have the same with regard to order management, product catalogues and service delivery platforms? I‘m imagining very few hands left aloft, if any! But this is quite serious. By attempting to be the corporate world’s answer to ‘Anything as a Service’ (AaaS) we should be surely be demonstrating the skills required by getting our own houses in order.

My mum used to say that wearing clean underwear was essential ‘in case you had an accident and were taken to hospital.’ It’s a weird argument I know, but for CSPs that ‘go commando’ with regard to services, if they ever get caught with their pants down, it could be very embarrassing indeed.

First published at Telco Professionals on 5 November 2012