by Tony Poulos | Aug 3, 2011 | Blog
I continue to be perturbed by headlines from the telecoms industry declaring staff cuts to reduce costs and improve profitability. Is there no other means to placate investors than to resort to such radical and life-disrupting means for people that have not... by Tony Poulos | Jul 5, 2011 | Blog
The rollout of national broadband networks for the early-adopter countries is uncovering some very interesting challenges. That least expected is the slow take-up of subscribers to the blindingly fast fiber networks. Is it because the technology is scary, the cost too... by Tony Poulos | Jun 30, 2011 | Blog
Mobile operators in The Netherlands must be wondering what hit them. The Dutch parliament, acting with speed and ferocity rarely seen, has introduced net neutrality legislation that will have far-reaching effects on the viability, future profitability and even... by Tony Poulos | Jun 28, 2011 | Blog
The telecoms industry as we know it is about to go through some massive changes, and some of them are going to be ugly, very ugly. A ‘colliding worlds’ scenario is taking shape in Europe that will have ramifications worldwide because it includes network operators,... by Tony Poulos | Jun 15, 2011 | Blog
The headlines all concur, Nokia wins the patent battle with Apple, but the real facts around the settlement may never come fully to light. That’s because neither party had anything to gain by continuing expensive litigation. Any loss of face by Apple and bottom line... by Tony Poulos | Jun 9, 2011 | Blog
I can remember the days when solid corporations could withstand economic up and downs for decades going from strength to strength. This was and era when shareholders considered ‘blue chips’ a solid long term investment – and they usually were. However, times...