Who will win the 'Data Blame Game'?

Another iPhone has been released and not only did we have to suffer the interminable predictions before it was thrust onto us, we now have to hear the usual raft of complaints about its battery life and increased data usage. Give me strength! Who in their right mind...

A tablet a day keeps the MNO away

So, you’re a print publisher that has made the decision that your future lies in digital content and delivery of it via the internet. But what if your market is not yet populated with enough suitable devices to deliver your content to? How can your digital aspirations...

Still waiting for mobile advertising megadollars?

It’s been a while since I have seen a report about how massive the mobile advertising market is or will be. Past analyst reports quoted figures of astronomical proportions that would be spent by advertisers but never gave a breakdown of who, exactly, was getting what...

'Grey' market threatens cashless economy!

Despite the arrival of a new mPayments/mBanking/mCommerce system somewhere in the world every week, reports indicate that their success may be challenged, even derailed, by a potent and previously underestimated force – ‘grey’ power! The ‘grey’ adjective...

Mobile payment madness

In the last week I have heard of at least three new mobile payment providers being announced somewhere in the world. Be they telcos, financial institutions, new start-ups or OTT (over-the-top) players in hardware or software – what is it about mobile payments...