by Tony Poulos | Apr 16, 2011 | Videos
Price is a barrier to take-up, says Maravedis’ Basharat Ashai. He sees activity picking up when price hits $50. by Tony Poulos | Apr 15, 2011 | Videos
PLDT’s Joseph Ladaban faces many challenges in his role balancing credit collections and churn prevention, but the biggest threat is coming from social networking shifting core revenue streams. by Tony Poulos | Mar 28, 2011 | Videos
Peter Coleman from Deloitte provides a fascinating view of telecoms fraud, why not all of it is external and what forensic fraud entails. by Tony Poulos | Mar 23, 2011 | Videos
WeDo’s Alvaro Ribeiro discusses why new services are changing the way operators view revenue assurance and the challenges they raise for telcos and suppliers. by Tony Poulos | Mar 11, 2011 | Videos
Smaller enterprises are leading take up of cloud services, says Telepo CEO Lars Wahlstrom, who explains how CSPs are capitalizing by offering extended, internet-based communications.