by Tony Poulos | Dec 10, 2012 | Videos
Panel discussion moderated by Tony Poulos at TM Forum’s Management World Americas held in Orlando, Florida in December 2012. It features Isaias Sudit, CEO & Founder, GridGlo and Jody Ranck, Consultant & Author, “Connected Health: How Mobile Phones,... by Tony Poulos | Dec 9, 2012 | Videos
Tony Poulos catches up with seasoned industry veteran, Max Speur on his new appointment as COO of SunTec Group. by Tony Poulos | Feb 29, 2012 | Videos
At this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the GSMA has put together what it calls the Connected House. It comprises technology available today and puts in the context what the house of the future will be like. It’s a bit scary as Tony Poulos found... by Tony Poulos | Feb 29, 2012 | Videos
So much to see, so, little time. Here is the GSMA event in Barcelona condensed into three minutes of madness! by Tony Poulos | Jan 23, 2012 | Videos
Here is a man brimming with confidence and excited to be filling the shoes (all four of them) of his predecessors. He also talks a lot about how innovative his company is, presumably it is RIM he is referring to. Something isn’t gelling here and one can only...