Pontiff 'pontwittercating'

It has been announced that Pope Benedict XVI has begun posting messages on Twitter under the handle @pontifex, a term for the pope that means “bridge builder” in Latin. The one man on earth with a purported direct line to God now has a direct line to his flock as...

WikiLeaks witch-hunt begins (and nothing is sacred)

The wrath of a government scorned seems to show no signs of abating as the US launches what is tantamount to a witch-hunt in the ongoing WikiLeaks saga. Reports emanating from the NY Times, BBC and CNN claim the US government has even subpoenaed Twitter in a bid to...

Twitter investor sounds like a twit

According to one of its venture capital investors, Twitter’s path to profitability lies in charging for mobile use. In an exclusive interview with UK’s Guardian newspaper, Joi Ito, chief executive of Creative Commons, made some startling statements that appeared...