Making money from APIs? I’d like to see that

Money has always been thought of as the source for all evil, but without it not much good happens either. For CSPs the perennial battle to maintain revenues means they have to keep coming up with new ways of generating it, and that is not always easy or without evil....

No neutrality in this war.

The biggest challenge facing attendees at MW Americas last week was which sessions to attend. Open discussion of topical subjects is the hallmark of TM Forum events and when our industry was clearly segmented into neat silos it was easy to stick to one stream and be...

French NFC trials could break the banks

Just in time for this years TM Forum Management World in Nice is the news that travelers will be able to pay for low-value tickets on the city’s bus and tram network directly via their mobile phone bills. However, mobile operators say they are offering the payment...

Mobile Advertising Millions – Myth or Magic?

Not a day goes by when I don’t receive a news story about how many millions of dollars will be spent on mobile advertising in the coming years. Worldwide mobile advertising revenue is set to surpass US$2.7 billion in 2008, a healthy jump up from US$1.7 billion in...