Living in a lead-lined cave

Ovum’s latest survey into consumer concerns about privacy and use of personal data may just be the tip of the iceberg. As more disclosures of data collection and storage become public knowledge, the backlash may throw many organizations that rely on the sale of this...

Facebook fast becoming first 'unsocial' network

What happens when you hold a referendum and 87 per cent of voters reject the motion? If you were a government, or even a normal corporation, the motion would not be carried – but it seems that if you’re Facebook you can just ignore your members and do whatever you...

Apple violating my privacy? What bloody privacy?

Apple featured big in this week’s headlines. Firstly for its seemingly endless sales and profit performances and secondly for its ‘evil’ activities recording every iPhone’s location history in hidden file. Or course, the amount of evil actually being perpetrated...

Facebook scares me

Facebook is hot, but I’m going cold on it. Maybe it’s an age thing, but the buzz has waned to the point of disinterest. News that almost half the UK population now uses Facebook, 30 million, is mind-boggling. What is even more daunting is that more than half of...