by Tony Poulos | Jan 4, 2013 | Blog
Bah humbug! Why is it at this time of year that every man and his dog wants to predict what’s going to happen in the coming year or years. Is it some primeval urge to defy fate, do they really possess the gift to see into the future, or are they just trying to prove... by Tony Poulos | Dec 7, 2010 | Blog
January is traditionally the month for new year industry predictions but IDC has jumped in early with some crystal ball gazing. The not so surprising part is that transformation has been a recurring theme in the annual IDC predictions over the past several years.... by Tony Poulos | Feb 2, 2010 | Blog
Have you ever read something that is so obvious you wonder why you hadn’t thought if it yourself? After reading a newly released list of 2010 Predictions from Deloitte for the coming year in our industry, you come away wondering why you’re not charging $1,500 an hour... by Tony Poulos | Jan 20, 2010 | Blog
Indications are that we are emerging from ‘the recession we had to have’. If that’s truly the case then 2010 could be quite a year for telecommunications investment in infrastructure and systems. According to IDC, two themes will dominate events in... by Tony Poulos | Jan 4, 2010 | Blog
Last year at this time I wrote that I was not one for predicting the future, but I didn’t mind attempting to influence it, within my reasonable means. Every new year we seem to be overwhelmed with what some people believe will occur in the coming twelve months, some...