Regulator bashing – Is there an app for that?

You know it’s a ‘slow news’ year at the Mobile World Congress when the operators start ganging up on the regulators. Oh yes, regulator bashing reached new heights in Barcelona with almost every CEO, whether in keynote or panel sessions, dropping hints and more, that...

Facebook gets voice, telcos go mute

It might just be time for CSPs worldwide to get serious, really serious about the threat to the traditional revenues from the likes of Skype, Facebook, Google and another thousand or so messaging and VOIP players nibbling away at their core revenues. Nothing, it...

At the crossroads

Every industry sector and every business, at some stage or another, reaches a crossroads where a direction has to be taken, and that decision could be critical in its survival. The telecom industry has had to navigate a number of crossroads in its relatively brief...

Capitalizing on globalizing

There is no question that SingTel should be overjoyed by the performance of its Australian property, Optus. It’s like the good old days for Australia’s number two telecommunications company which posted a 19 percent increase in fourth-quarter net profit from a rise in...

Charging on moral grounds

Are we seeing the beginning of a fightback from ISPs tired of carrying heavy traffic loads from ‘over-the-top’ freeloaders, or is it just a case of ‘smoke and mirrors’. The first volley came from Comcast aimed at Level 3, one of the largest Internet backbones in the...