Divorce, saving lives with mobiles

Mobile phones are truly amazing devices and the ways they are being used, well, nothing short of astounding. Who would have thought that they could be used to divorce one’s wife? Yes, I know what you’re thinking, your partner pays more attention to their iPhone or...

Mobile Payments War Looming

NFC, or near field technology, should be a raging success outside of Korea and Japan, but it simply is not. This is despite efforts by the GSMA to get the ball rolling with CSPs worldwide and the finance and transport industries agreeing and the profound benefits of...

Mobile transfers saving lives in Africa

I’ve just read a heart-wrenching story about a Somali man robbed of $200 then shot dead by his assailants, no doubt a common story in a country racked by over 19 years of anarchy. However, a new mobile money transfer and banking system being introduced by mobile...