Nokia escapes flames, now swimming to leaky life raft

The official Nokia blog says it is now official – Nokia is getting hitched to Microsoft! You have to love the joint announcement so soon after the so-called ‘leaked memo’ from Nokia CEO, and supposedly ex-Microsoft man, Stephen Elop. The rhetoric is pure...

Is the Microsoft ship really sinking?

April 2010 and the news from Microsoft was the unveiling of a pair of handsets sourced from Sharp known as the Kin One and Kin Two. The devices were being marketed as Windows Phones, and while they’re ultimately based on most of the same underpinnings of Windows...

Cloud goes app crazy!

Google looks to do for the ‘cloud’ what Apple successfully did for the mobile world by setting up a Cloud-based app store. But that could be easier said than done. For third-party apps to successfully proliferate in this environment they will first have be integrated...

Inside the week that was

Big drop in fixed-line revenues Australians are dumping their fixed-lines at an alarming rate, 10% in the last six months to be exact. Local call volumes are down 13% for the same period and total PSTN revenues dropped by 6.9%.  The decline was far greater than that...