Is net neutrality neutered at last?

In a win for America’s biggest telecoms operators, a court has struck down as unconstitutional a ‘net neutrality’ rule that barred broadband internet providers from managing and controlling traffic over their own networks. The U.S. appeals court...

Who might lose face in the big race for white space?

While the ‘traditional’ mobile telecommunications operators struggle to come to grips with how best to capitalize on the growing machine-to-machine (M2M) sector, a potentially disruptive special interest group has emerged. It is driving usage of freely available...

Avoiding the plummeting death spiral

As a frequent flyer I am able to observe and experience the many variations between airlines with regard to the use of electronic devices on board aircraft. I’m not sure who makes up the rules because each airline seems to quote a different authority, depending on...

More FCC BS – Bill Shock syndrome strategy

“Wireless carriers agree to end bill shock” declared the CNNMoney headlines, “those surprise overage charges on your wireless bill will soon be a thing of the past.” Oh really! The story was either written by an extreme optimist or someone who...

Let's get ready to rumble

I had almost given up hope that someone was going take a stand against the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules that were announced purposefully in the midst of the holiday season. It took a while but Verizon has made the first move in challenging what was starting to look like...