Disrupting disruptive cloud services

At a time when cloud-based services are being touted as the answer to everyone’s IT processing needs comes a series of big name disruptions. Last Friday Google had an unprecedented outage that only lasted two minutes but had the effect of killing off 40 percent of the...

When will they grow up?

For my sins I possess and use devices that have Apple iOS, Android and Windows operating systems. I could spend hours outlining the features, good and bad, of all of them but, quite honestly, none of them are perfect – for my liking anyway. However, one thing that...

Google pays Apple $1bn – network operators get ?

Surprise, surprise! Google pays Apple $1 billion per annum to make sure it is the default search engine on all those millions of iOS devices out there. Money for jam you might say? After all, what other search engine could Apple promote as their default? Oh yes,...

Facebook gets voice, telcos go mute

It might just be time for CSPs worldwide to get serious, really serious about the threat to the traditional revenues from the likes of Skype, Facebook, Google and another thousand or so messaging and VOIP players nibbling away at their core revenues. Nothing, it...

What Steve Jobs has taught the telecoms industry.

OK, enough is enough. We all know Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO and we’ve been inundated with stories and theories about what will happen at Apple in his absence. My personal favorite headline of the last week was ‘Jobs exit opens door for nimble Apple rivals’...