Finding fraud, finding you

Recent news that a China Mobile executive had been tracked down and detained by the company after going missing with hundreds of millions of yuan and at Magyar Telekom in Hungary that four consulting contracts entered into in 2005 were later found to serve ‘improper...

RA survey results 'disturbing'

It’s been a while since we have seen good, quantitative survey results on the state of revenue assurance within telecommunications service providers worldwide, but KPMG has just released findings in their latest publication – ‘Revenue Assurance in...

Google's 'Android Advantage' allegedly aids operators

Google has always been in the business of generating online advertising revenues and even sharing some with carrier and handset partners, but it has clarified that this is limited to search and does not extend to applications like YouTube or Maps, or Android apps sold...

Patently predictable response to iPad success

Let me admit up front that I am a confessed Appleholic.  I have three Macs in my house, three iPhones and one Apple Airport Extreme. I wouldn’t call myself a an Apple evangelist but I like all the products I have bought from Apple over the years, especially the...