by Tony Poulos | Oct 29, 2010 | Blog
The idea that transformation projects are simply one-off events designed to modernize or update legacy internal process is daft. It would be like updating a mobile network to 3G then resting whilst competitors forge into the 3.5G and 4G worlds. However, there are CSPs... by Tony Poulos | Oct 26, 2010 | Blog
I spent a few days in Hong Kong last week, flirting with the might of Typhoon Megi which threatened to close down this dynamic city and the only means of escape – the airport. Hong Kong is one of those cities that is constantly changing and a place where new... by Tony Poulos | Oct 19, 2010 | Blog
BS (Bill Shock) Day has been and gone and the FCC voted unanimously to gather more information on proposed rules that would require mobile service providers to send usage alerts and related information to customers to help them avoid bill shock. Wow, that’s... by Tony Poulos | Oct 18, 2010 | Blog
Everybody in the telecommunications sector gets excited at predictions of increased spending in capital expenditure (capex), all except shareholders that is. They always seem to respond negatively to any signs of increased costs, especially in the wake of lowering or... by Tony Poulos | Oct 15, 2010 | Blog
Yesterday was BS (Bill Shock) Day at the FCC in the United States. This is the day the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) plans to introduce new rules for mobile phone bills. The goal is to avoid consumer ‘bill shock’ from unexpected charges. The... by Tony Poulos | Oct 15, 2010 | Blog
Broadband networks, both fixed and mobile and especially the ‘national’ kind, may spell the end of the industry as we know it. I’m not trying to be sensational or a harbinger of doom but there a signs appearing that many CXOs and their boards should take notice of....